A recent article, 5 Principles For Working With Someone You Don’t Like by Martin Zwilling believes that in any business, not everyone you have to deal with will be like you or will like you. These differences have great impact on your business, thus must be tackled appropriately.
Here are some tips to work successfully even if you’re working with someone who isn’t/doesn’t like you.
- Don’t expect that everyone thinks like you.
Business people in diverse executive suites in different places have dissimilar backgrounds and experiences so don’t expect their attitudes and insights to be like yours. Remember that there are few absolute rights and wrongs in business, so expect different opinions. Be civil and diplomatic.
- Remember that they’re not trying to be difficult.
Most people you have to deal with in launching your business are just being who they are. Remember, we’re raised differently—we have cultural, social and other differences –don’t let emotions obstruct communication. Stay positive and professional, and treat the other person with respect and humility.
- Focus on the business outcome you are seeking.
Remember that you are doing business with them and so are they. Focus on the result you are seeking and what needs to be done to get there. You can book a meeting room to have face-to –face meetings with them and come up with consensus decision. Success is about cooperation, respect, solving problems and working together.
- Agree to disagree without being critical.
Saying “I see it in a different way” is neither negative nor argumentative, and it doesn’t mean you are trying to “win the argument” or convince the other person to change their judgment. It reduces tension and can lead to fruitful conversation that allows you and your peers to work together productively.
These tips will help you bridge individual differences and become more professional and reliable entrepreneur. Looking for an ideal office space for your business? YourOffice offers you a wide choice of office and workspace solutions: flexible office space, team office space and virtual office packages. You’ll have access to a complete array of office support and concierge services as well as state-of-the-art business technology.
How do you work with someone who doesn’t or isn’t like you? Let’s see your story. Feel free to see us on Facebook and Twitter.